Xian Li Journal #4

Lydia Fear came today.  She wanted $1000 in return for her information.  How prosaic.  I was all set for some strange deal with consequences I couldn’t understand or something.  I think I like her.

But the news was disturbing.  The tattoo is the visual manifestation of a spiritual parasite grafted on to my soul.  It’s draining energy of some kind (Mana?  Life force?  Emotions?) for an unknown purpose. Continue reading Xian Li Journal #4

Xian Li Journal 3

Well, it’s over.

I haven’t even said what “it” is.  This has been such a long day.  I’m so tired.  I’ve got to get this down.

My date: Ended kind of bad.  I hope Theresa is still talking to me after today.  I really hope so.  The first part of the date was really good.  It was the faerie kidnapping and all that other stuff that made things go badly.  I realized today that I have an absolute terror of Arcadia.  Being taken away, helpless, turned into something I’m not.  I can’t imagine anything worse.  And the terror that someone I really care about being there, and me not knowing is almost as bad. Continue reading Xian Li Journal 3