Category Archives: Adventure Covers

Rough Neighborhood Cover #3

I’m trying to get back into the art game (and the writing game, but that’s another story), so here’s a new cover.  I’m simplifying a little and trying to keep from stressing my hand too much.  The pain I suffered several weeks back is mostly gone, but I still get tingling and numbness if I’m not careful.  So I’m going a little sketchier now.  I’ll keep experimenting.  The picture I did of Qing’s club outfit was done all in pencils with some nifty playing around with layers of transparency.  So future covers might be something like that.

But for now, here’s this one.  There’s one more I”ll put up some time later this week or early next week, and one after that on my drawing board.


Rough Neighborhood Cover 1

A few words of exlpination:

I learned today that Dustin and I had different conceptions of what Li’s tattoos looked like.  He was visualizing a single dragon in a simple black style, similar to the image on the character sheet.  I was imagining a more complex design in color, with mysterious lines of Chinese characters, and lesser dragons on Li’s arms and legs.  Since he’s the GM, we’re going with his vision. 🙂 Continue reading Rough Neighborhood Cover 1