Tag Archives: Winter Formal

Rey’s Valentine’s Day Dinner

“That was delicious,” Rey said with a happy, contented smile as she set down her fork. “You are a wonderful cook.” The stress of her horrible day was completely gone, thanks in a large part to the huge minotaur seated next to her.

Richard chuckled. “It’s the recipe, not me. I’m a very plain cook. If I haven’t cooked it before or it’s not from a recipe, I’m pretty awful. I have no sense of what goes together, and that includes all spices except salt and pepper.”
Continue reading Rey’s Valentine’s Day Dinner

Planning for the Winter Formal

The night was clear. The stars shone and could even be seen through the light pollution of Mythic City. But that meant it was also cold and the frost crunched under foot as he stepped up to the ledge. He was contemplating how the street lamps illuminated the street far below – uninhabited islands in a stormy sea. A cutting winter wind picked up. He didn’t like how it pushed him toward the precipice. ”Ironic,” he thought. Continue reading Planning for the Winter Formal