Category Archives: Honoré Laffite

Rey’s Section

An Evening at Home (NSFW)

November 3rd, 2011

“I might not be good company tonight, Chase.” Rey’s smile was a few short steps away from exhausted. “I’m really tired.”

“No problem,” he replied with an easy smile. “We can just stay in and watch a movie or something.”

“Sounds wonderful.” Maybe a couple hours simply sitting on the couch and relaxing would be a good thing.

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Violence on Belle Park Avenue

It was a week after the battle at Iron Mountain Hollow when Rey’s breakfast was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was early, seventy thirty in the am. Her day at the casino started at nine, but getting the day started early meant she had a chance to catch up on her work related email and review her calendar for the day before she was hurled into a series of meetings and solving problems around the casino.
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