Mira Naia



In her mortal form, Mira has dark brown hair and dark eyes. Her mask grants her healthy, if pale skin tone. Mira used to dress in whatever she could find or what people gave her, given her lack of steady income. However, since her association with Rey Lafitte, she’s changed her lifestyle and might be found wearing anything from casual to formal wear. All her clothes are new.

Her hair has been cut short in an asymmetrical style, similar to the one Qora has in Tron: Legacy.

She is 22, 5’4”, 115 lbs, born July 7th. She is originally half Japanese, half American.

Fae Mein:

Mira appears to actually be a water nymph. When not using her elemental powers, she looks like a classic, beautiful nymph with pale, lustrous flesh that virtually glows in moonlight. Her hair acquires silvery-blue streaks and the brown is lighter than her Mask. Her ears are pointed and her eyes seem purple.


Refresh: 2



HC: An Alluring Nymph of Ice and Water

Origin: Corrupted by a Vampire Lord (One named Xavier once rewrote her entire personality and did who knows what all to her mind…)

A Creature of Burning Sensual Allure

My Allies, My Addiction (A vampire coterie)

An Oracle Whose Visions Come with a Price

Sorceress of the Desert Duchy



Superb (+5): Brawl

Great (+4): Physique, Rapport

Good (+3): Athletics, Elements, Stealth

Fair (+2): Burglary, Craft, Occult, Unseelie Magic

Avg (+1): Contacts, Empathy, Lore, Notice, Will



Allure (Rapport) – +2 to Rapport rolls where her looks can come into play.

Siren’s Song (Rapport) – The siren can use Rapport to place the aspect Entrancing Voice upon a scene. The effect lasts as long as she continues to speak or sing. The aspect can be invoked against anyone trying to concentrating on something other than the siren’s song or words. It can also act to restrict actions to do anything other than pay attention to the siren (an overcome action is necessary, which can be actively resisted by the siren). Keeping the song going requires the Siren to devote her actions to it.


Sorceress (Occult) – +2 to Occult rolls to identify magical items, rituals and ongoing spells.


Create Element (Elements) – Instantly create an element that is part of her (water, ice, fire). Pay a Fate point to make it remain until the next sunset, it melts, evaporates, or burns away, whichever happens first.

Elemental Resilience (Elements) – +1 physical stress box.

Form of the Elemental Avenger (Elements) – Spend a Fate point to get Armor:2 and Weapon:2. This is obvious magic that makes the character’s fae nature obvious. So, it can take the form of ice armor, body of water, body of flames, etc. These bonuses do not affect anything with the Cold Iron aspect.



Physical: ❑❑❑❑❑/

Mental: ❑❑❑/


Notes on the Elements Skill

Full details are on the Shadowgate: Essentials wiki. Can use it for Water, Ice, and Fire due to achieving permission by having aspects that reflect these things.

Overcome. Use the skill to try to control an element that might be an obstacle or barrier of some kind.

Create an Advantage. Place some aspects appropriate to the element.

Attack. Use an existing element (or create it instantly using the Create Element stunt above) to attack someone.

Defend. Tap into your elemental nature to defend yourself. This means you can use Elements as a defense, if it seems appropriate.


Notes on Unseelie Magic

Full details are in the Shadowgate: Essentials wiki.


Overcome: Use Unseelie Magic to drain warmth, wither plants, and overcome aspects having to do with the vibrancy of life.

Create an Advantage: Place aspects such as Chill of the Grave, Withered, or Frozen Pallor. You can also use Unseelie Magic to make use of the cruel side of nature in the form of influencing poisonous plants and venomous animals to place barriers.

Attack: Use Unseelie Magic to inflict cold damage such as frostbite, damage vegetation, and to put someone to Eternal Sleep. Doing so is a mental attack where, if a Taken Out condition is won, the victim falls asleep and can only awaken upon satisfying a condition the fae determines.

Defend: Use Unseelie Magic to defend against Seelie Magic.

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