Simon’s Ledger 1

(I’m not sure this document actually exists in game. Simon doesn’t like to write potentially incriminating things down)

I’m staying in Mythic. Although I might take a trip to Phoenix for a while. There are enough reasons to keep me here, and even after all this time Mythic kind of feels like home. So when she asks me, I’ll likely accept a longer Contract with the Queen.

So since I AM staying here, I should do the best I can to make my stay comfortable. I think, deep down, we’re all children of Winter at heart. The first thing we want to do is be safe. Well, at least mostly safe. A little danger adds spice to life.

I find myself with several fields to tend. First is the Glymjack Crew. Five Changelings just happen to bump into each other all at one time, and just in time to face a threat that could have been a major danger to the Duchy… Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. We’re together for a reason. The Wyrd is moving us. I don’t get the sense that it’s a single task. Rather, I feel like we’re supposed to build a legacy of some kind. I haven’t figured out what kind yet, but I’ll stay until I do.

Then there’s the Chancellory. Why the hell did I say yes to that? The Wyrd again, I think. Although I have to admit it is fun. Glasshouse provides steady income for the Emerald Court and opportunities for employment for a few Changelings. But I’m still on probation, as it were.

And last, there’s a little thing called life. My circumstances have changed, and I needs must adapt to them. Three of the other four members of the Motley are engaged in activities that will lead to physical danger. And to be honest, so am I. So there’s that. And there are other kinds of danger. The Spring courtiers seem like pretty laid-back people, although Julianni is likely to eventually try to bring me down if I don’t stay alert. But I can’t really say about the other Courts yet. Recent history I’ve picked up here and there suggests that I can expect trouble from Summer and particularly Autumn. Spring came along and threw the old balance out of whack, and even after a year people are still jockying for position in the new pecking order.

That’s not to say they should be avoided. I just have to figure out a way to cut past the BS to get to the good stuff underneath. If I can address the imbalance in the Duchy, it’ll go a long way. And if my Motley is as scary as I think it is, I should do just fine.

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