Qing Journal 7

(happens after Theresa leaves on Hawk Mask page 2)

I know she doesn’t really believe me about my baby. I can’t really blame her, though. It’s crazy. I wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t happening to me.

It’ll be okay. I can’t imagine that my pregnancy will be any more normal than the conception, or anything else in my life. Sooner or later, there will be enough evidence that Theresa sees the truth.

We had a good time tonight. Not just fun. Good. The whole “I’m pregnant” thing forced us to talk about what we were doing and what we meant to each other. And the sex was good. Really good. We fit together really well, almost on a psychic level. Like yin and yang coiling into each other, completing the circle.

I just wish the circle could stay complete until morning once or twice. My bed is lonely when she leaves it, even though it wasn’t particularly lonely before she was ever in it.

Jeez, that sounds selfish. Theresa’s in a war. She doesn’t really have any choice, any more than I do when I go off to fight monsters. I know that, so the thing to decide is what I can do about it.

One enemy, one pack, I could go fight. But this is a real war, and worse, an asymmetrical war. Even worse, both sides benefit from guerrilla tactics. I can’t pick a fight with potentially dozens of packs. And even if I could, Theresa doesn’t want me involved, so for now I’ll respect her wishes. Mostly.

There’s nothing stopping me from trying to find out more and looking for a way to change the situation. I’m not ready to spend Oberon’s coin so early, but it’s an option to keep in mind. But what I’m thinking about is trying to act from an unexpected angle.

-Get the Arrow involved? If these ‘wolves are a threat to Mages, it’ll work

-Find a way to locate the other packs Loci? The Mysterium might know a way, and I’m in their good book right now.

-Attract mortal Hunters? Dangerous. Very dangerous.

-Oberon? He’ll only help if I can find a reason to make him care. I could bribe him with the mask, but I’m not going to do that. There have to be lines we won’t cross.

I’ll figure out something. The first step is to talk to Brigid. See if she knows anything, and if she’ll tell me. If not, I’ll have to go it alone. It’ll be harder, and it will take longer, but in a way it’s safer for everyone else.

Maybe what I plan won’t really matter. Theresa may want to keep me out of it, but I don’t know if she’ll get a choice. We work together. We sleep together. Someone will see us. And even if it’s not a werewolf, it may be a Smith & Tann asset. S&T works through outside agencies as much as possible. The demon cult in the warehouse. That necromancer who killed Centralville. Arthur Radu. All their stooges. When they want to wipe us out (soon) an army of werewolves seems like a good choice.

Should be fun.

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