Qing Journal 8

(After Hawk Mask)

This has been a sucky couple of days. A bitch lawyer for Smith & Tann named Crystal Jenkins broke into Mercy’s house and stole my Hawk Mask. We got it back after a scuffle. Only Crystal’s a witch and her coven includes Aurra Wyborne – yet another bitch who probably murdered her husband to get control of his properties: Gordon’s and Blood Tears. So now we’re probably banned from both. Kind of a bummer. I liked the house red at Gordon’s.

Brigid thinks it’s more of a problem. Aurra demanded she make some kind of restitution. I’d like to make restitution with her face via a lead pipe. Bitch. Brigid also thinks the other two (Aurra and Yvonne XXX) didn’t know about the theft, but I don’t buy it. They may not have known Crystal stole the mask personally, but they knew it was stolen. Aurra killed Oberon’s goblin, which was demanding that it be returned. And then I described it down to Cassie’s signature, and Aurra and Yvonne still helped Crystal try to escape rather than asking her to open the case the mask was in. They were covering for her, so they had to know she had it.

If she needs me to, I’ll consider helping Brigid with the restitution Bu!!$#!+ but I’m not going to trust any member of that coven until the other two serve up Crystal’s severed head on cheap Tupperware. They’re all in it.

And speaking of Brigid, I really went off on her today. More than she probably deserved, and Cass certainly didn’t deserve it, but it felt good at the time. Now, not so much.

But I stand by what I said. It was just useless to say since it won’t change anything. Brigid’s not going to magically see that just because I have different priorities than her doesn’t mean I’m wrong. And she’s never going to get past having to assert her dominance. The only way I could probably stop her is to stomp her ass into the floor a few times, and while that MIGHT work on her (or it might not) it’d snap the last thread connecting me to her group.

And I can’t do that yet. I won’t be able to protect my baby on my own, and something still roots me to Mythic, so I can’t go where I’d have enough protection. That leaves putting up with Brigid, at least for now, and trying to find some other way to assert my own goals.

I’ve been trying to find allies. I’ll have to keep trying, until I can put together my own force to augment and supplement Brigid’s efforts. We can’t keep leaving monsters to run loose. Don’t wound what you can’t kill.

Most of the time, she’s not too bad. She’s more conservative than I am, and I don’t think she believes, as I do, that we get the privilege of doing what we do because we accept the responsibility of unceasingly throwing ourselves between any innocent and death. And I guess I’ll have to reevaluate that stance at least for a while. I’ve got another responsibility now.

But it’d still be good to have a wider sphere of influence. With just someone to provide mental shields for the Heart Rippers, we could have done it. She jumped in a way we didn’t expect. (Should have once I knew she’d gone without guards. Sloppy thinking) So we might not have caught her. But with their minds protected, the Werewolves would have been a viable force. They probably would have taken her down.

Brigid and the others seem to think she’s gone. I hope they’re right, or we’re going to get another chance to see what we can do against her, and for round 2, we’ll be on the defensive and unaware of when the fight starts.

Anyway, now Oberon has the mask. He seemed annoyed with me, maybe for all the grief I gave him over resurrecting Cassie. Besides, everyone else is annoyed with me today. Why not him?

Cass reminded me I need to be careful of him, not that I need a lot of reminding. But now I see why all those people who make deals with the devil do it. The devil is good at setting up deals where refusing is as bad as accepting, just sooner.

I hope Oberon’s not the devil. The horns don’t help any.

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