Ayla's biograph

Home Forums The Group Arcanum Draconis Characters of Arcanum Ayla's biograph

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    Name: Ayla

    Race: Elven

    Class: Mage, beginner.

    Gender: Female

    Age: 20

    Height: 170 cm

    Weight: 70 kg

    Hair Color: Light blond

    Eye Color: Blue

    Family History: Both parents deceased at an early age. Gran-mama, an old lady that became her caretaker.

    Held Titles: (As assigned within Arcanum)

    Character History: At a very young age Ayla lost both her parents during their journey on a trading ship that got attacked by the sky pirates. Ayla was too young to realize how she lost her parents and can barely remember them. For about a year Ayla had to learn how to survive on her own without anyone looking after her, until one day she met this old lady on the streets when she was begging for food or any money. Ayla got raised by this old lady that she always called “Gran-mama” but she never manages to learn her real name. Because of her elven background, Ayla always had something with magic, she is able to use beginner spells on her own. When her caretaker passed away she decided to work hard on her own future by applying to the wizards-academy and to learn about her powers and magic.

    Biographical Info: Fairly pale skin tone, slender & lean, Healthy, elven ears. Demeanour: Poised, kind and helpful towards others. Attire: long black gown with a dark green cloak. As a princess she is used to wearing clothing that is made with high-quality fabric, her favorite color is blue and it often shows in the fabric in her clothing. Signature colors: Green, black and blue.

    Kinjita Savanos

    ((Easily approved))


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