A campaign for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.



Latest Posts for Thalassa

Renée and Lothiel

After getting set up at an inn within Derien, Emmeline next needed to find and speak with the elf mage, Lothiel. Having been directed to find her by Willow, a bounty hunter and likely also assassin, this was her best lead to finding Silverleaf’s clan. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to employ a redcap ...

Updates for People and Places

I’ve updated the tables for the characters of Thalassa and the places we’ve visited. See the home page for Thalassa for links to these useful pages.

Winter Plans

The party was transporting their newfound wealth by wagon to town. Was it Camaret or some other village? She wasn’t sure, but in the miserable cold it was hard to really care what the next town might be, so long as there was someplace with a warm hearth and a hot meal at the end ...


John and Matilde, both of whom Emmeline regarded as friends, were long gone by the time the Wizard’s Guild quaestor, his guards, and entourage appeared. Ricimer was with them, so it was a safe assumption he’d brought them. It was likely that Elemix would go with them to Thalassa to make his report. She didn’t ...

At the Farm: Rivanon

Rivanon, erstwhile known as River sat down next to Elemix before the old farmer’s fire. Wrapping a fur around her she said, ‘why so glum my friend?” Elemix looked at her and smiled as she sat down. “I am glad to hear you refer to me as such,” he replied. “I hope over these past many ...

At the Farm: Rosalinde 1

Rosalinde had nothing and knew no one. She was free, but she was so far from home, or the memories of home. She did not even know if her family lived or not. The witch Emma-Lynne, and her friends – the sorcerer el-Ahmikz, the warrior-priestess Tiphanie, and the skald Reverence – had saved her and ...


This is an incomplete fragment, meant to take place before Session 23. From the cozy security of a thick blanket and a soft bed, Emmeline gazed at the eastern window as it was flooded by the golden morning light. The room was a warm, dark color of aged wood that seemed to have been grown that ...

Multi-Session Epilogue: From Storuvan to Camaret

Overview And so it came to pass that the party journeyed first from Storuvan, to the Temple of the Dreigeist, to the Cave of Skarrifax the White, across the broken lands to the Hattani Gates and the ruins of Vahansarti, western capital of the Last Hattani Empire and resting place of Ashurbellkara and his Horde, eventually with sorcererous ...

A Voice from the Past

Elemix was dreaming. It was a pleasant dream. He was showing off his new tower, complete with newly buily outbuildings and the like to Baroness Rivanon and Magus Gillian – both of which were his close friends and on a first name basis. It was a good dream as each were completing with offers of ...

Hope Unlooked For

As Tiffanie slept she felt a distant compulsion, a desire to leave the temple and journey into the oncoming snowstorm. Something was calling for her, something just on the edge of consciousness. She easily could resist it, should she desire to, but there was something familiar, something from before she took her vows. Typhon grabbed her ...