A campaign for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.



Latest Posts for Thalassa

Elemix and Emmeline Reunite in Uzec

Elemix had left for Uzek in great haste on order of Rivanon to protect Emmeline… When he and a half-dozen of Rivanon’s troops arrived in town in the late afternoon of the next day, he felt there was a eerie calm among the people. Elemix had received no messages from Vorn either – nothing for the ...

Zoe and Emmeline

Zoe and Emmeline arrived near Uzec. Zoe deftly transformed from a giant eagle to herself again. As they approached the gates, guards led them in. Sir Videl, the Baroness’ seneschal met them and made sure Emmeline was escorted to the safety of their quarters where Mirel and Amelie joined them. After introducing herself to them, ...

Meeting Zoe

Very soon after her arrival back in Cerisey, Emmeline decided she needed to make the trek to the Vale to visit Zoe. With Kalista in tow, she made her way into the valley of the Vale. Zoe met them at the edge of the Vale, where the treetops surrounding the Mother Tree could be glimpsed. “Emmeline,” she ...

Tea with the Baroness – September 3rd, 448

Emmeline was brought out to the Baroness’ stables by one of the house servants, one of the guards and with their ladies in waiting, Lady Ana of Derrienport (Rivanon’s second cousin by Lord Arles), Lady Melisende de Tierney (Rivanon’s cousin by her aunt Lady Delphine de Tierney, recently arrived from Adera), Lady Amelie de Gamache, ...

Home at Last

Emmeline traveled to Cerisey in the company of Kalista. She was anxious to get a first look at how her little manor was coming but she also wanted to catch up with Riok and his wife, as perhaps visit with the town folk a while. She knew the harvest should be very bountiful this year, ...

The Coup Epilogue (the first in awhile…)

Lord Hugo the Disinherited was dead, his body consumed in his hate for his father and what he perceived as wrongs against him. His friend the defrocked wizard Skall was dead. Sixteen conspirator mercenaries were dead. Twenty-nine of the City Guard were dead. Nearly half the Ducal Guard, many of the Duke’s advisors, and his wizard ...

A Redcap for Emmeline

As Emmeline arrived in Breven in mid August, a Redcap named Katherine Marr arrived with a message. “My Lady, I have a message from a mutual friend of a mutual friend. I’m afraid I must destroy the paper once read,” she said. She handed the message tube to Emmeline. Within was the following in the Sylvan language ...

Antaré, Vanawë, and the Mother Tree

The city of Antaré was so beautiful to Emmeline, and to think all her life it was but a single day from her home. The elves who lived here called it the Shore of Forever or the Kindly Isles. Long ago a human hero stumbled upon the Isles and during his visit did some great ...

Adela to the Rescue

Emmeline walked with Renee to the great park east of the City. This was Renee’s last night for three months and she insisted on escorting Emmeline to find a place cast her dream spell. As they walked, Renee asked, “Ma’am, are you sure you want me to join the Wizard’s Guild. I mean, you don’t ...

Recovery and Trepidation

The dinner table was quiet as people ate. A messenger had arrived and whisked Typhon away. Something at the Temple she was needed for. Emmeline took the liberty to send a report back on the Hag attack. Poor Felix left with Typhon to journey back home, promising to be of service to the group should ...