Activity Forums Character Information Characters of VI VI Archives: Bio for Lumiani Melantha

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    In the Vanquished Illusions Archive, a blue-green hologram representing Lumiani flickers to life when the file is accessed. The green-skinned mirialan stands, apparently having just pressed the record button.

    “Jedi Lumiani, biographical recording.” She looks at the viewer and smiles. “This is my first archive recording. My full name is Lumiani of House Melantha, formerly of Procopia in the Expanse — a region of space known as the Tapani sector. Although my family has ruled the Expanse as the Tapani Empire for the past four thousand years, my position has never been one of importance. However, House Melantha greatly values any members that exhibit Force-related talents, and joining the Jedi Order is always considered a great honor, even when that means abdication or otherwise leaving duties of House and Tapani Sector behind.

    “Upon reception to the Jedi Order, I discovered my greatest affinity to the Force was in healing, and so I have concentrated most of my training in this area of combat support. I continued some time in this role, but when war broke out once more between Republic and the Sith Empire, I wished to become more proactive. I studied the arts of war enough to be considered a little… ‘aggressive’ by less forward-thinking Jedi.

    “Then I came across the teachings of Master Ali’anni and realized I was indeed perhaps more aggressive in my approach to the conflict than necessary. The reason being that I… am incomplete.”

    The holo of Lumiani pauses as she reflected and tried to put into words something that existed to her only as a feeling.

    “Denying all passion has had an inverse effect on me. Suppression of emotion is not the same as control, and this is a fine point I was unable to distinguish as a member of the Jedi. But the philosophy of Vanquished Illusions says that emotions are not wrong. Passion is not to be completely ignored, suppressed, or expunged. Control is always important — even critical! But to deny these things in oneself completely can be as destructive as reckless abandon and lust for power.

    “This teaching resonates within me. I know I am still incomplete. I know I still search to fill a void I can’t describe. But my soul is at rest now. I can face Sith passionately but without losing myself to passion. Strength through determination, not rage. Not fear. It is in fact compassion that guides my decisions now.

    “That compassion is mercy. Mercy for the injured and the afflicted through healing. Mercy for a conquered enemy. Mercy for even the most vicious enemy who truly wishes to reform.”

    The image of Lumiani shifts, following her as she walks over to examine a computer control screen. After a moment, she straightens and looks toward the viewer again. “To any masters of Vanquished Illusions who may be reviewing this recording in preparation for choosing new Learners, I am exactly what you see and what I have stated here. I have no emotional scars, troubled pasts, jilted lovers or secrets. But I am good at what I do. I am a student and I will learn. I will challenge you intellectually and emotionally and I will never stop learning and challenging understanding.”

    The image bowed. Then, Lumiani’s image approached to viewer just before disappearing as some control deactivated the recording.

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    Update 1

    A hooded figure roamed the Jedi Archives of Vanquished Illusions, selected and file and stood back to view the results of her work. A hologram flickered to life, but it read only, “Refer to holocron VIA-LM-1”

    A brief search in the archive material soon allowed a member of the Jedi branch of Vanquished Illusions access to a holocron newly imprinted with the memories and personality of Jedi Master Lumiani Melantha. Activation by approved personnel brought to life an image of High Councillor.

    “Verifying identity,” she told the viewer as the holocron sensed the intent of the viewer. Once the gateway control was satisfied, she continued. “Confirmed Jedi 934 granted access.”

    The Lumiani image smiled. “It has been a while Archivist. What is the nature of your request?”

    The hooded figure stated, “Biographical record 2 for Lumiani Melantha, please.”

    “Granted, Jedi.” The holocron’s image grew much more sharply details, as if the full attention of the holocron’s holographic identity was now drawn forth. Were the image not transparent, it could have been mistaken as real.

    “I never found a master, but instead was made a Jedi Knight directly by Grand Master Ali’anni after viewing my performance at Initiate trials, and personally administering one of my tests. I was grateful for this, but it was also a sudden and serious expansion of expectations.

    “However, my tenure as a Jedi Knight was to be very brief. Seeing my experience in the Force and — perhaps much more importantly — my grasp of critical Jedi lore, Master Glecthim appointed me his direct advisor on all Consular matters. This was a position only available to Jedi masters, and so I was again promoted.

    “I assisted Master Glecthim through discover and data discovery missions, providing advice on matters directly related to the Consulars, and was thoroughly consumed with expanding my personal knowledge of history, Jedi lore, and using the Force for defense and healing purposes.”

    The hooded figure quietly asked pointed questions.

    “Personal information is available through this medium, but it is hardly relevant, Jedi.”

    The figure murmured a brief explanation.

    “Very well. The answer is no. There was simply no time to explore the foundation of a personal relationship with anyone. Duty to VI had priority, despite my own personal desires and reasons for leaving Satele’s Jedi Order to come to Vanquished Illusions. Do you wish to continue?

    “Very well. After Master Glecthim vanished into the furthest reaches of the galaxy of his own volition, Grand Master Ali’anni asked me to step into his role until his return. My duties expanded to more than simple recruitment and assisting, and it became one of leading the Consulars. I brought my faction to worlds across the galaxy to recover lost data, research wildlife, and confront those who would stop us.

    “It was during one of these missions I was critically injured in an incident that shattered both my legs. Medical droids recommended amputation and cybernetic replacements, but I disagreed. I chose to heal them myself, a task that took five years of painful work. Ultimately I was successful, but at the cost of constant pain. However, with discipline I am able to put that aside to continue my duties.

    “When Grand Master Ali’anni left us, her brother Delrick took up her role. Now known as the Lord General, he has elevated me to lead all the Jedi Order of Vanquished Illusions.

    “Further data is pending the next updated. How my I assist your further, Jedi?”

    The hooded figure switched off the holocron and carefully returned it to its place. Then, she silently left the archives.

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:

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