When they had returned to Uzec Elemix pulled Emmeline aside and asked if she would join him in his quarters later to discuss what Mara had requested. Curious and interested, Emmeline agreed. After she arrived at his room and he
A Letter from Magus Alix
A redcap arrives with a letter for Emmeline. Emmeline – Witch of Cerisey and the Cairn Lands M’selle. Magus Elemix has informed me that he is no longer interested in being an intermediary between yourself and I in the matter
Chains of Command (9/12/17)
Sister Lieutenant Typhon Né of the Order St. Aria of the Just answers to: Any Justicar Captain who answer ultimately to: Master Taran, Preceptor of the Order at Thalassa and Castilian of Antoré who answers to: Master Alaric, Commandant of the
Maps of Thalassa
Solo Visit to Ceresey
After a couple evenings and days far more luxurious and comfortable than Emmeline really thought she deserved, she decided it was time to visit Cerisey and the Mother Tree. She spent a very pleasant breakfast with the baron and his
A Walk in the Woods
The baron offered Emmeline his arm and they took a back stair to the Baron’s gardens and woods, small secluded acreage outside the castle and the town, but within earshot of the Baron’s guards should trouble arise. The moon was
River Celeste, A Change of Mind
With less than a day before getting into port, Emmeline saw River (Rivanon) writing a letter. Two others were completed by her side. Looking up she said, “Hello Em.” “Okay, what have you got?” Emmeline prompted.
Shipboard with Sevé
Emmeline sat on a box that a sailor had kindly lashed to the railing on the deck of the little sailing ship. She stared out at the sea, watching waves roll by as she idly chucked shells of a few
Her Name Is River Celeste
On the ship, Rivanon approached Emmeline and said, “Well Em, in the month you were in with the Archmagus Revan, I was busy setting up my backstory. It is pretty solid, though I’d like to know what you think.”
Uncle Mazarin
Emmeline finished securing the saddlebags on Goblin’s Gift, the reliable rauncy gifted to her by the lord of Calder Keep. On one side, the case of her ever-present violin suck up. On the other side of the horse, the saddlebag