A campaign for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.



Latest Posts for Thalassa

A conversation with Rivanon

A conversation with Rivanon Elemix noticed Rivanon on deck. She was alone leaning on the port side rail, looking off into the distance and apparently lost in thought. She was indeed beautiful. While he was certain his dad had thought of the idea of Elemix and Rivanon together, Elemix hadn’t really considered such seriously. What could Elemix ...

Her Name Is River Celeste

On the ship, Rivanon approached Emmeline and said, “Well Em, in the month you were in with the Archmagus Revan, I was busy setting up my backstory. It is pretty solid, though I’d like to know what you think.” “Hello, my name is River Celeste. At least that is my stage name. I was born Rivé ...

Uncle Mazarin

Emmeline finished securing the saddlebags on Goblin’s Gift, the reliable rauncy gifted to her by the lord of Calder Keep. On one side, the case of her ever-present violin suck up. On the other side of the horse, the saddlebag contained her Tome and the few extras she had packed for the trip. But despite ...

Studying Under Revan

Emmeline worked by candlelight in her small cell. She was exhausted after three weeks. Magus Revan gave her more work and studies than could ever be completed in any 24 hour period. More than she ever had done in her life. She was taxed beyond belief and feeling beaten down. “Only seven more days and ...

Epilogue: Session 11

Overview Tiffanie joins the Aarithine Order of the Just, becoming Sister Typhon, Justicar of St. Aria. She is given a week to find a worthy task to take on as her errantry. Emmeline is nearly complete with her training and evaluation with Archmagus Revan. Save for three brief meetings with Elemix, no one knows how she is ...

Epilogue: Sessions 9 and 10

Overview Over the course of a week on Thalassa… Elemix found his pseudo-dragon familiar, Sang. Elemix & Emmeline (with Bella) took on and ended the threat of the Tyaanite assassin (with Sang’s help) Elemix learned that his mother has always had a familiar, the family feline Isabeau. Emmeline & Elemix began connecting with their grandmother, Adela (Adelaide). Emmeline (through Rivanon’s advocacy) ...

After Dinner Confusion, A Day of Answers

After eating a fine dinner at the Dungaroon’s residence, Tiffanie excused herself from the group just as the tension about Adela was beginning to grow. “I’m sorry I had another engagement to attend to,” she said. Peren, also a bit uncomfortable, said, “I’ll show you to the door.” Leaving the Dungaroon home, Tiffanie made her way to ...

Find Familiar

After casting the spell the night before, Elemix was disappointed nothing had happened. There was a nagging feeling that something did occur, but Elemix couldn’t quite place it. After attending the races with Emmeline, Rivanon and Tiffanie for a brief time, Elemix excused himself and headed north west into the depths of the city. The feeling never ...

Letter to Uzec: Update from Thalassa

My Dear Baron, As planned, I met your daughter Lady Rivanon here in Thalassa. I must tell you I’m very impressed with her skill, knowledge, and her friendliness toward me. Already I feel comfortable calling her friend. And already she has been indispensable to my visit to the city. I had thought I might need to hire ...

At the Races

Rivanon said, “Here is the adoption petition. All legal and in four copies. It seems the Countessa likes you. Here advocate made me work all morning on this with him. I added some defenses of your rights to be sure. We already have her signature. We need yours, your uncle’s and a judge’s signature. Then ...