Activity Forums Role-Play by Post In-Character Roleplay Knight Commander Kaigami Meets with High Lady Lumiani

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    Lumiani had returned the bridge. The view was best there and she found it soothing to be able to look out into the vastness of space and let her mind drift. She stood in front of the big observation windows, with the various consoles behind her and the command throne further back.

    The usual crew was present to monitor things, but they had moved to consoles far away from her to give her space.


    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    Returning to the bridge from the training room of the Eternity, Kai approached the front of the bridge to begin his daily routine of system diagnostics. Though unwise after taking a shower, he began to dry his hair with the towel that was around his neck. Once he approached the front area of the bridge he threw the towel onto the arm rest of the throne before noticing the Grand Master. 

    In his mind he had spoke “This is a first. . well mind as well speak what is on your mind. . better now than later” before he approached the Grand Master from behind. He then signaled with a cough before saying “Good morning Grand Master”


    “Hello, Knight Commander.” Lumiani turned around to see Kaigami standing there. Her eyes flicked disapprovingly at the towel sloppily draped over the arm of her thrown.

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    Kai would recognize the look in her eyes anywhere he then force pulled the towel over his shoulder before saying “Sorry about that” He then gave a somewhat stern look with a follow up question “How does your day fare?”


    “As might be expected,” Lumiani said a little cryptically. It wasn’t too surprising given the news of Layania’s resignation the previous night. Layania had not only been in charge of the Jedi Order, she was also Lumiani’s chosen second in command. While Kinjita could lead the Order, Lumiani was left with the problem of finding a new second. “What’s on your mind, Knight Commander?”

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    Kai had taken a deep breathe, in earnest his thoughts were hard to translate into words. Not knowing how to speak them correctly without it sounding wrong. Especially now with the situation with the former voice of the order. He knew Lumiani’s feelings weren’t in the usual tone. . .maybe for a while now. His bright blue eyes slowly dimmed to a more navy blue. If one thing was certain his eyes always reflected the state on how he felt, and how he felt also reflected on the aura of the force around him. He then spoke and asked “There have been. .  a lot of things on my mind as of late. Shall we take this to a more. . .”  he looked around noticing the crew switching their gaze from their screens to them. “More private”  His eyes then shifted to her. 


    Lumiani studied Kaigami for a moment, her eyes showing concern. Then she nodded.

    “Clear the bridge,” she said. The crew rapidly vacated, leaving the two of them alone. She walked to the nearest console and ordered all recording devices on the bridge turned off and signed it with her authority.

    “Privacy is difficult to come by. Kynane found my quarters to be bugged last night. So,” she looked around at the empty bridge. “This is now likely the most secure place I have at the moment.”

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    The news of the bug had certainly drew on another emotion of his. . disappointment. Along with his current feelings, everything from this point with security has made him feel the need to step down. . .all these over sights and flaws. What he thought was the perfect system, turned out into a system that could be exploited. . . attempting to add further thoughts, he nodded to everyone leaving the bridge even giving a few waves to the crew members he has worked with personally on the bridge. Once the bridge cleared he then spoke  “I see. . well I am glad that nothing dangerous had came about the incident. . ” His mind wanting to address what he has been thinking, but his heart was keeping him from saying it all at once, knowing it was easier to ease her into the topic rather than saying it bluntly and possibly offending her or worse. . .being removed all together. “I’d like to know a few things. . maybe they might be out of line. . maybe they need to be addressed, but please note. . .” a long pause followed. . .


    Lumiani smiled. “The bug is not your fault, Kaigami. I removed the cameras from my room as well as any other listening devices. The price of such privacy is a lack of security. And security can only be so good as the people that live and work here. While I believe everyone here to have the best of intentions, even the best person may be coerced, influenced, or blackmailed into doing something against their character. So, this issue is entirely on me. Although I will ask for help figuring it out.

    “Now, whatever is on your mind, you can talk to me.”

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    He nodded with her response, he shifted his right hand to rub his left forearm still trying to figure out on how to translate on what was on his mind. He would look at her, no matter how many times he saw her smile he’d be in some for of awe, after a few moments he began to ask and speak again “I’ve been wondering this for awhile. . . in fact it’s bothered me strongly.”  He paused again, hoping what comes out of his mouth next does not start a fire “Am I. . an liability to you. You know that as much as I’ve learned and pressed myself with the light. . . that I cannot fully press myself in it. . .I’ve looked things in a logical way without regarding on how my decisions reflect on the force. An in some cases, my emotions and judgments are in act. . of response.”


    “You have always been a sensitive person, Knight Commander, a trait I find more useful than pure, cold control at all times. There was an incident months ago wherein you lost your temper and reached out to old habits. It was an expression of your pain at the situation. I do understand that. I also know that the situation was personal for you because it involved me. The kidnapping. We’ve worked closely for a long time; it’s only natural to have a strong reaction.

    “Shortly after that I had asked you to work on your control. You see it wasn’t that you were upset at the situation that worried me. It was the use of deadly and emotion-driven dark side power. My thoughts were, what example did that set? Will my other Temple Knights, who all look up to you, emulate that action? Was I seeing the first stumble in what might be the fall of the entire Temple Knight institution?

    “But I needn’t have worried. Now you are with Aysha and I can see how good she is for you. How good you are for each other. No Temple Knight, including the Knight Commander has ever slipped like that again, to my knowledge. And certainly that, despite heartbreaking losses of Knights, the order you and I founded remains strong in purpose and honorable in action. I only chose people for the Order; you made it what it is today.

    “Our enemies have struck the Temple Knights hard many times. But they keep standing up again, ready for more. That’s because of you, not anything I have ever done. Our home on Varonat is safer, and this ship more secure than it ever could have hoped to be due to the effort and diligence of the Temple Knights working with other divisions of VI. I couldn’t be more happy, or more impressed with them. And with you.”

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    The glow in his eyes shifted from a dark navy blue to a more casual azure blue. Kai nodded to her responses even giving of a small smile at some points, but still pegged one thought in his mind that he did feel the need to ask, if it came off rude then he will be willingly accept in whatever happens afterward. With a deep breathe he then said 

    “I am glad to hear of that Grand Master, but. . . what is to become of my path in VI? As much of a presence I think that I am when around others, I do still feel like. . . I’m being with-held from progressing within the power structure. As. . . many come and go I’ve noticed that I remained in the same position.”

    “Am I in a spot that gives an impact to our organization, or is there a position in which I’m being prepared for to be that ‘impact’, or do I. . remain where I am?”



    Lumiani smiled with good humor. “Are you looking for more responsibilities?”

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:


    Kai would think for the moment, he would rub the back of his head and turn around to pace for awhile before returning to her saying “In a way. . yes”


    “Great! Then lets talk about where you see yourself. What are your goals? Once we have that established, then we can map out a way to achieve them.”

    a.k.a. Lumiani in The Old Republic:

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