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Oby joined the group Ushari Star Confederacy 4 years, 2 months ago
The Watcher Legacy posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 6 years, 3 months ago
Goodbye it was a fun 2 years…
But its time for me to go. -
Kinjita Savanos posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 6 years, 4 months ago
New Event System!
For those of you who haven’t heard we’ve done away with most all of the house and division events through the week in favor of a system that allows our users to become storytellers in a way for internal RP. In light of that, if you want to schedule an RP, please message myself or an officer so we can get you added to the event calendar!
Marnok joined the group Ushari Star Confederacy 6 years, 7 months ago
Thesdoren posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 6 years, 8 months ago
It’s been a while everyone! With it being spring break now and I can get ahead of things, I juuuuuust might be popping back on to try and get involved once again!
Illuminatus posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 6 years, 9 months ago
Aysha’s Stand
*Data from VITALS orbital satellites is able to reconstruct the few minutes after Knight Commander Aysha arrived at the location of the fourth downed sensor. This was matches with audio recorded during the event. The following is a holo reconstruction Lumiani made that should be considered theoretical, but likely to be…Read more
Kinjita Savanos posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 6 years, 11 months ago
Everyone, please be aware that the schedule for the in-game events for the week of 12/18/17 has changed! The events will be as follows:
Monday: VITALS Event (Normal Start Time)
Tuesday: 331st Event (Normal Start Time)
Wednesday: House Event (Normal Start Time)
Thursday: Jedi Event (Will start 1 hour ahead of schedule) -
Illuminatus posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 7 years ago
I added a quick link near the top of the Vanquished site for people to find Ranks.
KSebataine posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 7 years ago
Had to update the invite link for RoP’s Discord, old link seemed to be broken. New link is
Kai~ posted an update in the group Ushari Star Confederacy 7 years ago
I would like everyone to know that, if there is anything you wish to discuss with me personally, about Rp involvement or guild related topics. I will be in contact via Discord through PM chats, In-game when I am on (or via game mail) or through the website. I’ve removed myself from any or all forms of Guild Discord chat, due to believing it is…Read more
Hi Thes! Welcome back!