As per the other Sample Opponents in this series, you simply find your group’s Threat Number by adding up the total number of actions of all the Heroes present and multiplying that number by 10. Then spend those points to buy any of the following.

To make an encounter difficult, add up to 25% more to your Threat Number. To make an encounter easy, reduce your Threat Number by 25%.

Pirate Scum
These pirates are the dregs of society. That they lack in morale, they make up for in sheer viciousness. But after one strong hit, they are likely to break and run.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 4
Hit Points: 6
Defense: 60+
Threat Points: 5

Pirate Boarders
These are the guys charged with near-suicidal assault on starships. They are the pirate equivalent of marines; tough, determined, and ruthless.
Actions: 2
Action Points: 6 (3 per action)
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 55+
Threat Points: 10

Pirate Starfighters
Use these stats to represent the pilots of the Scarlet Chorus, or their Czerka starfighters as the scenario demands. Czerka doesn’t advertise starships for sale; that’s not what they are known for. However, they’ve built custom starfighters off the books for those rich enough to afford Czerka’s asking price.
Actions: 2
Action Points: 6 (3 per action). Czerka Starfighters are equipped with twin light laser cannons (when using 2 actions to attack) and concussion missiles (when using a single attack for 6 damage). A Pilot’s side arm is a repeating blaster pistol, and they often carry grenades.
Hit Points: 15
Defense: 55+
Threat Points: 15

Scarlet Chorus Assassin
What these assassins lack in skill, they make up for in sheer numbers. They excel in sneaking about ships and space stations, murdering the crew, and either ejecting passengers into space or holding them for ransom. Then they steel the ship or space station. Scarlet Chorus Assassins are equipped with knives, heater garrotes (the wire heats to high temperatures for a quicker slice through flesh, blasters and depending on the mission, slug-throwing sniper rifles. Assassins employ stealth ships and they certainly employ stealth fields. Whenever you employ these assassins against a group of Heroes that do not have or are not using stealth fields themselves, the assassins always go first. Add a group of Scarlet Chorus Assassins to any encounter to really surprise the Heroes.
Actions: 3
Action Points: 12 (4 per action)
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 50+
Threat Points: 22

Scarlet Chorus Officer
Officers among this particularly vicious group of pirates are skilled and smart enough to survive a truly and often literally cutthroat occupation. They always superior weapons, including over-size vibro weapons such as double-vibroblades and vibro-axes, as well as custom blasters. The armor they wear is a Czerka original and gives them the stamina (hit points) to stand toe to toe even with Jedi.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 12
Hit Points: 25
Defense: 45+
Threat Points: 29

Scarlet Chorus Dark Jedi
It’s now known that at least one dark jedi serves in a leadership role with the Scarlet Chorus. These stats reflect that of Cahweba Pateesa (Cahpa as Cartharan once knew his cousin) at the time she was encountered on 2016, Jan 11. After her defeat and flight from VI, it is likely she received new training and poses a greater threat. However, if any other dark jedi serve the Scarlet Chorus, they might be represented well by the following stats. Dark Jedi never appear alone. They should be surrounded by flunkies. If your Threat Number would not allow for a fair number of companions, consider adding more of the lesser pirates described on this page.
Actions: 3
Action Points: 18 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 40+
Threat Points: 37

Scarlet Chorus Dark Master
The following is the projected threat level of a dark jedi master of the Starlet Chorus. The reality may be quite different. It is assumed that any dark jedi master would also travel with a decent-sized entourage, as per dark jedi.
Actions: 3
Action Points: 18 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 35
Defense: 35+
Threat Points: 44

The Scarlet Lord
It is unknown who the ultimate leader of the Scarlet Chorus is. However, he or she must be personally powerful have access to vast resources. It is also unknown whether the Scarlet Lord is capable of wielding the Force.

Sample Opponents: Pirates of the Scarlet Chorus

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