To use the following entries, you may wish to refer to the guide in the first post in this series, Sample Opponents.

The following describe various threats Heroes may encounter in space. The Vanquisher System has a very simple way of handling space encounters. Using a single Option which restricts use of healing and shielding actions to self-only and describing one’s actions as a starship pilot or commander is all that’s necessary. But just as it can be handy to use pre-built opponents in normal encounters, it can be very handy to grab various space-based opponents the same way. This lets you build out a detailed fleet, if you so desire. Remember that if you wish to keep things simple, you don’t need to use any of this! the straightforward boss rules will let you quickly create a challenge for your heroes, which you can then simply describe as a super-sized ship, fleet, or mass of fighters. These samples are simply meant to be used by people looking to quickly add variety to an encounter.

Without further ado, here is a variety of opponents that can be dropped into a space encounter!


Drones or Mines
Includes a variety of long-range missiles or torpedos. They can be launched in swarms by larger ships to harry opponents. They can do a lot of damage quickly, but once targeted, they are easily eliminated. Therefore, they make for an inexpensive but quite temporary boost to a boss level enemy or fleet. When mines are encountered, it’s usually a surprise unless someone was specifically looking for them. Feel free to let mines go first in an encounter, unless the Heroes are aware they are present.
Actions: 2
Action Points: 6 (3 per action)
Hit Points: 5
Defense: 60+
Threat Points: 4

Junk Fighters
These fighters are a hodge-podge of fastened-together parts of other fighters, often found in scrap yards or salvaged from battle areas. They tend to be unreliable, lack shielding, but can be dangerous in groups.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 5
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 60+
Threat Points: 8

All-purpose Fighter
The mainstay of militias and planetary defense forces, these fighters lack hyperdrives. They have light shields that give them a bit more staying power, and sturdy construction.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 6
Hit Points: 15
Defense: 55+
Threat Points: 15

These fighters have been outfitted to attack capital ships. They are usually assigned escorts that will take Defend actions to protect them from enemy fire long enough to get close to a large ship or surface installation and make their attack runs.
Actions: 4
Action Points: 12 (3 per action)
Hit Points: 15
Defense: 55+
Threat Points: 16

Fighters equipped with special sensor packages, they pack less of a punch in a fighter, but they can cause a reroll for any attempt to detect an enemy and choose the more favorable result.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 5
Hit Points: 15
Defense: 50+
Threat Points: 15

Strike Fighter/Ace
This can reflect above-average starfighters or fighters with exceptional pilots. They are fast, strong and hit hard. The upgraded shields give them greater staying power in a fight.
Actions: 2
Action Points: 12 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 50+
Threat Points: 22

Assault Shuttle
Designed to get soldiers into the middle of a fray quickly, these ships are fast, maneuverable and tough.
Actions: 2
Action Points: 12 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 25
Defense: 45+
Threat Points: 29

Gunship/Squadron Commander
This can represent a heavily armed and armored gunship, or the talents of a skilled flight commander.
Actions: 3
Action Points: 18 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 40+
Threat Points: 37

Corvette or Frigate
These larger ships pose a significant threat to shipping lanes in the hands of pirate, or serve well as part of a defense force or escort for cruisers and larger capital ships.
Actions: 3
Action Points: 18 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 35
Defense: 35+
Threat Points: 44

Light Cruiser or Outdated Battleship
These are the smallest of the capital-class starships. They are resilient, yet still vulnerable to starfighter attacks.
Actions: 4
Action Points: 24 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 35+
Threat Points: 50

These ships are massive, carry large crews, and usually their own complements of starfighters. Since they are therefore never alone, they represent a deadly threat. A fleet of three of four of these, plus escort vessels and their own fighters, represents an entire invasion force (which usually goes beyond the scope of most encounters, but could be handled as a series of encounters instead of all at once). A GM is within their rights to require that fighters cannot penetrate the shields of these behemoths (with the exception of bombers) and that either the shields must be taken out somehow, or more powerful ships are required to punch a hole in these. As a rule of thumb, you could rule that anything that does less than 10 damage in a turn cannot affect a Battlecruiser.
Actions: 8
Action Points: 48 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 35+
Threat Points: 94

Sample Opponents: Starships and Space Threats

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