How To Use This Guide
When figuring out a light, medium or serious challenge for your Heroes, first count up how many actions they have and multiply by 10. This will be your base Threat Number. The simpler Boss rules below handle this a little differently and more generically. So just use Threat Number when using the sample opponents figured below.

To create a challenging encounter use the base Threat Number you calculated.

To create a dangerous encounter take the Threat Number and add another 25% more points. So for example, if your Heroes had a total of 10 actions among them, that translates to a Threat Number of 100 points. To make the encounter especially dangerous, you could bump that to 125, and then buy whatever individuals you want from the list below.

To create a simple encounter, take the Threat Number and remove 25% of the points. So for example, if your Heroes had a total of 10 actions among them, that translates to a Threat Number of 100 points. To make the encounter easier, which you might want to do if you have multiple encounters planned for the night, you would take out 25 points, leaving 75 to build your opposing force.

You then buy whatever individuals from the list below that you wish. Their listed Threat Points is what it costs to buy them.

As noted elsewhere, Bosses are simple characters to create. They all have 1 action per Hero they are facing. So if they face down a single group of 4 Heroes, they should have 4 actions. If they take on more Heroes at once, then they should have +1 action per Hero they face.

Bosses always do 6 points per action, whether that is damage, shielding or healing. Be careful with shielding and healing actions with bosses, though. This can draw out a fight unnecessarily. Leave the fancy footwork to the Heroes as much as you can.

Bosses have a number of hit points equal to 5 x Threat Number.

Bosses always have a 50+ defense.

Using this guide will give you an exciting and significant threat that your Heroes should be able to handle, even if they are trainees and veterans with only a couple higher ranked characters. If your Heroes include characters of significant power, you may need to add additional threats or change up your bosses. If your group has no one of rank Knight/Officer and above, you may need to take things down a notch. The following examples can be used to spice up your encounters, and some can be used to offer a more significant threat to powerful characters.

Villain Portfolio

Light Infantry
Includes standard troopers employed by militias and armies throughout the galaxy. Use mobs of these to absorb some of the heroes’ attention. Imagine them using your basic blasters and blaster rifles with no armor. They aren’t much of a threat, so you can use at least 1 Light Infantry per hero in your group. Or you can round out your boss with some light infantry to draw attention.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 4
Hit Points: 5
Defense: 60+
Threat Points: 4

Assault Infantry
This kind of infantry can represent dangerous pirates and well trained, veteran soldiers and sky troopers. They hit hard, but are a bit of a “glass cannon” in that they can’t take damage like a Hero of Veteran rank can. Still the damage they do makes them quite dangerous. They wield assault blasters and wear light armor.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 6
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 55+
Threat Points: 10

Commando/Mandalorion Infantry
This is the heaviest “faceless” infantry you are likely to see on the battlefield. They include armored commandos, shock troopers, mandalorians, Padawan or apprentices, and more powerful sky troopers. They have significant staying power and represent elite bodyguards when employed with bosses. They are slightly more dangerous than a Hero of Veteran rank, and also wield assault blasters, vibroblades, or training sabers.
Actions: 1
Action Points: 6
Hit Points: 15
Defense: 55+
Threat Points: 15

Officer/Dark Jedi/Sith Warrior/Force Adept
Officers can be enemy commanders or other leaders. Fully trained force users make their appearance at this level of threat.
Actions: 2
Action Points: 12 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 50+
Threat Points: 22

Assassin/Dark Jedi Master/Sith Lord/Mandalorian Battlemaster
These are masters of the dark side, dark assassins, and among the best trained soldiery money can buy!
Actions: 2
Action Points: 12 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 25
Defense: 45+
Threat Points: 29

Dark Lord/Elite Commander/Jedi Battlemaster
At this level we find lieutenants of significant bad guys, generals, admirals, and the like.
Actions: 3
Action Points: 18 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 40+
Threat Points: 37

House Lord/Lord of the Sith/Dark Council Member
Immensely powerful beings, these Lords and Ladies lead worlds, and often multiple armies and fleets.
Actions: 3
Action Points: 18 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 35
Defense: 35+
Threat Points: 44

High Lord/Grandmaster/Mandalore
While not “boss” level threats (which works best for truly monstrous opponents), these are still the most powerful individuals in the galaxy. They include leaders of the Republic and Sith Empire, the High Lady of Vanquished Illusions, and other heads of large organizations and nations they lead by virtue of personal power.
Actions: 4
Action Points: 24 (6 per action)
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 30+
Threat Points: 52

More threats to come in future installments!

Sample Opponents

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