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    I am Knight of Zakuul Kelvarna Kaylar, Circle of Intelligence. I was born 20 year before the Thexan’s Death. I was born to a wealthy family and wanted for nothing. yet at the age of 5 my Force potential was clear and everything changed. I had no life outside my house and at 13 i ran away from home.

    I headed to the Old City and lived there for 2 year stealing and using my gifts to get what i wanted. This Drew the attention of the Heralds of Zildrog. I had stolen an object of there’s to sell for food. I had taught myself to use the force to hide and to attack. The Heralds however were far more skilled than i was and captured me. They tried to take me to their leader. I fought bitterly and suddenly a figure in white armor leapt down to fight the Heralds. Lightsaber met lightsaber yet one of the Heralds approached the back of Senya…In my first Deliberate use of the dark side I began to choke the sneak attacker.

    The Knight of Zakuul knelt and spoke to me. “That is not Justice, young one.”

    “But he hurt me and Izax’s knows how many other,” I gritted out. “why shouldn’t he die for his crimes?”

    “And what i were to take you in for stealing,” Senya looked at my eyes and i relented.

    After that she took me from there and Returned me home. She also ensured that i could train my abilities. I was accepted into a new Batch of Knights and Trained hard. I Learned loyalty and honor. by the time i turned 18 i was sent undercover to the Core worlds to spy on the Republic and Sith Empire’s. Soon however all agents were recalled. Thexan was Dead and our First Circle was killed on Korriban.

    Soon after the Funerals we called the Intel Division together and we voted on a new First Circle. I was nominated and asked to leave and i was joined by 3 others. In that time i took a Walk and met Senya. she had aged quite a bit with her Son’s death.

    “The good die young Kel,” Senya spoke as I sat next to her.

    “My teacher, surely you of all people know Thexan was loved by his people,” I asked a little concern in my voice.

    “Yet what is our Empire becoming. Valkorian will let our own sons die…and confine Vaylin to that Monastery. ”

    Fast forward a few year and a Group of Black armored Zakuulan knights load up into shuttles. I was holding my hand is an 11 year old girl who looked sleepy. I knelt before her as it begins to rain. There are many Shouts and some blaster fire and lightsaber blows.

    “Morra,” I look into my sisters eyes. “want you to go with Zoirn. He will keep you safe, you hear me?”

    “I do not want to go Varna,” The little girl would hug me tight, tears running down her cheeks. “I want to stay with you.”

    Zorin knelt next to me. “Commander, We need to get her out of here now!”

    “I know,” I returned my eyes to one of the dearest things in my life. I remove my necklace with a plain Crystal on it, and placed it around the girls neck. Lightning flashed. “I will find you again…I swear it.”

    I would stand and hear her cries as Zorin picke her up and i closed my eyes as i heard the Shuttle engines whine and take off…

    “Its Empress Vaylin,” this i heard and ran toward the call telling every knight I saw to run. to get on board shuttles. then time froze for me as Empress Vaylin had a female Knight in her force grip. Lithia…

    Vaylin would look at me and smile. “oh…so she is important to you. well then, this will be more fun.”

    With a sickening CRACK, Lithia fell to the floor. In that instant my lightsaber was in my hand and i was attacking the Force guiding each hit and anger in my eyes Rage fueled me as i managed to scratch her cheek. I was force lightninged away. she stood over me “I am going to enjoy killing you.”

    3 Knights attacked then and a Forth picked me up and placed me on the last shuttle. as it took off i was in much pain. In my pain the Force granted me a Vision. “tatooine”

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