Activity Forums Divisions VITALS Analysis – Iokath Signal

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  • #431
    Kinjita Savanos

    From: Tosna Cade, VITALS Agent

    To: Admiral Kynane, Director VITALS

    Subject: Iokathi Signal Analysis



    I took the liberty of pulling the data the Jedi sent us to try and figure out what these signals are all about.  Even had Lady Savanos provide me a few extra resources so I could get a good report going on this signal we found that lead to the site on Takodana.  Good thing too, this might get worse.

    First, that signal is definitely computer-driven.  There’s so much hidden code inside of it that it’d take our best techs months just to even unlock it, and even that I don’t think is going to help us much.  What I can tell is somehow the signal uses sophisticated teleportation tech to lock onto a single subject, induce a stasis and teleport them to another location.  It also seems to know in advance what kind of subject they have so I can sum up that whatever that lady holo was talking about knows exactly what kinds of people it’s looking for.

    What scares me is the map that came up after.  Those symbols that came up are other planets along the Mid and Outer Rim territories.  Oricon, Jakku, Hoth, Dagobah, Manaan, a few dozen others.  If they indicated locations where more of this is taking place we could be in serious trouble.

    Since we couldn’t get anything from the spire where Koma’tose and the other civilians were being scanned, I decided to join the survey team to see what I could get, which wasn’t much.  The probes were scanning cellular structure, neural patterns and other things I’m not sure even existed medically.  I have no clue what they were scanning for and the code used was so sophisticated I’m not sure I’ll ever understand what they’re for.

    Everything I’ve got is on datapads on Takodana.  I’ll brief you if you need it but to get some of this info I had to call in a few favors.  Needless to say, I owe someone a bottle of eight year old Quesh Brandy.


    Tosna Cade

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