The ARMORED DIVISION is the Body of the 331st, completing their missions through Technology and knowhow. Below is a breakdown of the command structure.
Each Division is Comprised of three AVs (Armored Vehicles). This goes for each of the different types of AVs available. Your Rank will determine the MK (Level of Combat Design) type AV you will be assigned to.
The idea is to keep these rules as simple as possible. Much of how these rules will work will be up to the player running the event. Use these rules as a guide to help maintain the flavor of Armored Vehicles (AV’s) in combat.
The Stats of the AV you operate are the same as the operators. They will increase as the operator advances in rank. AV’s and their ranks are represented by the MK designation.
Example: [Trainee] Private Pinky has taken basic AV training. He is assigned his first AV, a Walker. His stats are: 5 action points / 10 hit points / Defense is 60. This means that his MK-1 Walker’s stats are: 5 action points / 10 hit points / Defense is 60. His Unit Commander, [Paragon] Lt. Brain’s stats are: Up to 2 actions per turn / 10 action points per turn (or 5 action points per action) / 25 hit points. Defense 45. He operates a MK-5 Walker which has the same stats: Up to 2 actions per turn / 10 action points per turn (or 5 action points per action) / 25 hit points. Defense 45.
- If you are operating an AV, at anytime you can take advantage of the Explosive rules as outlined in the Vanquisher system.
- AVs always do full damage to other AVs.
In the game, certain weapons are considered Heavy and some are not.
Heavy weapons deal half damage to AV targets (round up). When it comes to who had a heavy weapon and who does not, it becomes a judgement call for the Operation Leader, in determining if an attacker has a heavy weapon to fire. Heavy Weapons and qualified personnel can include:
– A Heavy in a 331st Ground Command Team
– Commando Class Troopers
– Armored Command Engineers
– Grenades
– Lightsabers
- Weapon Load-outs are to be declared BEFORE beginning an operation. Operation Leaders are encouraged to limit the number of heavy weapons allowed.
All other weapons do no damage as they are not powerful enough to penetrate the AV’s thick armored hide.
If your AV becomes taken out in combat, it takes the operator three rounds to do nothing but evacuate the AV safely. They can decide to cut this back to one round, but in doing so, take take three points of damage as they rush them- selves from the damaged debris recklessly.
Going through the rigors of training with the 331st Armored Command gives troopers the necessary skills to be an invaluable asset in combat missions and allow for more flexibility on the battlefield. Training starts with the first choice of which unit of vehicle to train with: Tanks, Walkers, Transports, and Artillery. Below are special rules for a few of the units. (These are suggested rules but are up to the Operations Leader to determine if they wish to implement them in combat)
- TRANSPORTS – Armored Personnel Carrier (APC’s) can carry four other characters. The driver dictates their movement and can fire weapons. The passengers also gain the stats of the vehicle for protection and can fire other mounted weapons. If the Driver’s Hit Points go below zero and the vehicle is out of combat, no one gains the protection of the vehicle anymore.
- ARTILLERY – These are big guns that are permanently placed in a strategic spot to lay all kind of destruction on a particular target. If there is Air support, They can fire at targets they cannot see using the air support to line up their fire. The Operations Leader may allow Attacks with explosive effects from very long distances.
- ARMORED COMMAND CLASS OPTION: ENGINEER These troopers are given the know-how on how AVs operate. With advanced specialized training, they can affect AVs and attack causing normal damage, as well as the ability to repair these huge war machines. The following are rules and action options for Engineers
Augment (5AP): Engineers can augment their own weapons or the weapons of others to deal more damage to armored targets. The augmented weapons damage is treated as a class higher for its next round. Standard weapons are treated as heavy, heavy weapons are treated as full damage against AVs.
Example: Engineer Paul uses an action to augment Private Mac’s weapon.
Private Mac is using a standard rifle. On Private Mac’s next turn, he can fire as
though his standard rifle is a heavy weapon. The augment only works for that
round and must be reapplied if he wishes to use it the same way again.
Repair (5AP): Engineers can use tech and droids to make field repairs to AVs. These operate as per the Healing rules, but can ONLY be applied to AVs.
Engineers are ALWAYS considered to be carrying heavy weapons. This represents their knowledge of AV workings and weak points.